Mezinárodní Šampionát Welsh Pony & Cob Pardubice 2023 
Posuzoval pan John Llewellyn-James – Avonvalley Stud – Velká Británie
(under judge Mr. John Llewellyn-James – Avonvalley Stud – GB)
Mia Malinová – Pavel Blažek – WMP Trawel Marvel (Trawel Stud)
1. místo ve své třídě Lead Rein
Lead Rein Champion
Reserve Performance Champion of the Show 

Za pomoc děkujeme Petře a Pavlovi Blažkovým.
International Championship – Czech Republic 

A beautiful trio consisting of Welsh Mountain Pony – Trawel Marvel, lead by – Mr. Pavel Blažek and riden by – Miss Mia Malinová (6 years)
They took 1st place in their class, then went on to the Lead Rein Championship, where they also placed 1st and subsequently advanced to the Overall Championship of the day. And… wow they took Overall Reserve Performance Champion of the Show!!!
Under judge of a very nice Mr. John Llewellyn-James (Avonvalley Stud – GB)
WMP Trawel Marvel – bred in Czech by Mr. and Mrs. Pavel Blažek and Petra Blažková.